FVRS Duplicate Match

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Eligibility Match Queue > {duplicate record} > {duplicate record}


VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance > {voter} > Eligibility Maint tab > {duplicate record}

This dialog lets you compare data from two voter registration applications to determine if one is a duplicate of the other. If there is a match, you should process the record as a duplicate. If the applications are for two different voters or there is insufficient information in the match to make a determination, you can process the match as invalid.

The dialog displays the voter information on your county's database (Our Data) side-by-side with the other application (Other County Data), which can be from your county or another county. The matching data is highlighted in green, so that you can easily compare the two and determine if they belong to the same voter.

See How to Process a Duplicate Registration Reported by FVRS for more information.

Action Choices

Invalid Match

Select this option when you are sure the two records belong to different voters or there are some similarities between the two records but not enough for you to confirm that they belong to the same person.

The match record will be recorded in FVRS as invalid and it will be removed from the Eligibility Match Queue. On the voter's Eligibility Maint tab, the match record's status will be changed to DNP (do not process) and the record will be disabled to indicate that processing is finalized.

Process as Duplicate

Select this option when you are certain that to two records belong to the same voter.

On the voter's Eligibility Maint tab, the match record's status will be changed to REM (Ineligible) and the record will be disabled to indicate it has been processed. The voter's Comms tab will show an office note indicating that the record has been removed. The duplicate record's status will be changed to H(P) Office Duplicate and the match will be removed from the Eligibility Match Queue. No notice is scheduled for the voter in this scenario.

Note that any voting history associated with the duplicate record is not automatically transferred to the retained record. This will need to be done manually as described in How to Process a Duplicate Registration Reported by FVRS.

Schedule Addr Conf Req

Selecting this option schedules the voter for an address confirmation request. The notice goes to the voter's mailing address in your county. The record will remain in the Eligibility Match Queue with the status of LTR (letter)